
A bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis used to replace one or more missing tooth by joining an artificial tooth definitively to adjacent teeth or dental implants. A bridge will span the area where teeth are missing. They are attached to the natural teeth or implants that surround this space.


A bridge is a dental restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth. It is made up of two crowns called Abutments, with an artificial tooth (or teeth) called a Pontic that is fused between the two crowns. The bridge prosthesis can be made with support on the teeth or on implants (depending on the case). The Pontic or artificial tooth can be made from metalloceramic or zirconia.


•       The presence of extensive defects in the anomaly of the dentition. Appearance is a consequence of trauma of various dental diseases.

•       Absence of one posterior tooth

•       Requirement od restoration of one or more front group teeth (if there are healthy supporting teeth)

•       Replacement of existing substandard prosthesis

•       Elimination of cosmetic chewing defects recovery of chewing and speech


•   Consultation in assessing the condition of the oral cavity

•   Selection of materials for prosthetics and color (for future bridges)

•   If you do not have your own healthy teeth, then implants will be installed. After engrafting the implants (2, 3 months) proceed to install the bridge.

•   Preparation of supporting teeth, taking of impressions, fixation of temporary bridge or crowns

•   Fabrication of bridge in a dental laboratory

• Fitting and fixing permanent bridges


•   Restore your beautiful and healthy smile

•   Restore ability to properly chew and speak

•   Maintain the shape of face

•   Prevent remaining teeth from moving

• Maintain proper oral function


•       Do not eat for 2 hours after direct fixation

•       It is forbidden to crack any hard objects like the nuts or lid from the bottles

•       Smoking affects the aesthetics of the crowns negatively

•       Careful oral hygiene 2 times a day and regular examination at the dentist every 6 months

•       If the crowns are made according to all the rules and are not subjected to excessive physical or chemical effects, then the life of their crowns is calculated in decades