Complete Oral Consultation

Here the dentist can check for problems that you may not see or feel. Many dental problems don't become visible or cause pain until they are in more advanced stages. Examples include cavities, gum disease and oral cancer. Regular visits allow your dentist to find early signs of disease.


·      Tooth and Gum diseases

·      Bad breath

·      Acute Pain

·      Darkening of teeth color

·      Presence of scales or tartars on teeth

·      Presence of carious cavity

·      Absence of one or more tooth

·      Grinding of teeth (day/night)

·       Preventive examination every six months


·      Completion of Dental and Medical form

·      Visual inspection and diagnostics (using intraoral Camera)

·      Photo-Protocol

·      Analysis of intraoral X-ray

·      Panoramic and CBCT X-ray analysis (if required)

·      Treatment plan preparation


·      Objective assessment towards overall mouth condition

·      Diagnostic of explicit and hidden diseases

·      Explanation of various solutions for each specific case

·      Recommendation for the home care of teeth


·      Prophylaxis and professional hygiene