Night MouthGuards

A mouthguard is a protective device for the mouth that covers the teeth to prevent and reduce injury to the arches of teeth and prevent their abrasion.


·      Bruxism or gnashing of teeth day or night

·      Headaches, migraine and neck pain

·      Sleep disturbance or insomnia

·      Chipped or cracks in the teeth as a result of an involuntary spasm of the musculature of the face and jaw



·      Take impression of the jaw

·      Fabrication of the "Night Mouth Guard" in the laboratory



·      Protection of the enamel and teeth from destruction

·      Prevention of breakage of crows, bridges and veneers (if present)

·      Reducing and relieving facial muscle pain

·      Sleep Normalization

·      Prevention of malocclusion and loosening of teeth



. Mouthguard must be worn every night before going to bed

. Every morning the mouthguard should be cleaned with a toothbrush with tooth paste thoroughly rinsed in running water