Prophylaxis and Professional Hygiene

It is highly recommended to admit to a professional oral hygiene session twice a year


·       Dental plaque or tartars

·      Bad breath (Halitosis)

·      Bleeding Gum

·      Damage and weakness of enamel

·      Excess tooth sensitivity (Hot/Cold)

·      Inflammation Processes




·      Selection of optimal preventive methods and means

·      Removal of dental Plaque and tartars (Ultrasonic Device)

·      Sandblasting of teeth (Air Flow/Prophy flex)

·      Polishing of each tooth with fluorine paste

·      Deep fluoridation of teeth to reduce sensitivity



·      Absence of soft and hard dental deposits

·      Strong enamel of teeth

·      Healthy gum

·      Preserving the natural anatomy of teeth

·      Fresh breath

·      A healthy and beautiful smile for every age



·      Usage of a new tooth brush after a professional hygiene (stiffness of the bristles should correspond to the state of enamel and gums). Only the doctor can recommend the type of tooth brush. It cannot be chosen rationally.

·      Rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic solution within 5 days is generally recommended for 90% of patients. (you will be notified if you’re one of the 10% left)

·      Toothpaste is also picked by the doctor, depending on the condition of the teeth and gums.

·      Brush your teeth twice a day, mainly vertical movements from the base of the tooth to the cutting edge, by cleaning the back of the tongue cleaning the teeth should be completed.

·      Tooth flosses are designed for careful removal of plaque in hard-to-reach places. (the doctor will choose the type of floss)

·      Our teeth's friends are products containing fluoride and calcium. They are sea fish, liver, veal, poultry, spinach, butter.

·      Hard cheese is used to neutralize the action of acids and supply the body with calcium. Butter and chocolate is friends with teeth too. Cocoa beans prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Black tea strengthens the enamel of the teeth and regulates the acid-base balance in the mouth, and natural coffee has an antibacterial effect.

·      Do not forget to undergo a professional examination at the dentist every six months.