Pulpotomy or Root Canal treatment for children

The procedure pulpotomy allows you to keep the tissue of the pulp in the root of the tooth with complete removal of the pulp of the crown. In some cases, it is necessary to remove of pulp completely.


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•       Deep decay as a result of which the pulp of the milk tooth has been opened.

•       An asymptomatic tooth may have a small passing pain

•       Absence of pathological internal and external resorption

•       Diagnostic radiograph confirms the absence of pathology of the roots of the teeth

• Root canal treatment in the milk teeth is performed with the same reasons as pulpotomy and is also performed with necrosis or non-stopping bleeding of the pulp of any milk tooth.


•       Anesthesia and complete caries removal

•       Amputation of coronal pulp, hemostasis, application of a medicinal pad

•       Restoration of the tooth with a permanent seal and installation of a stainless steel crown according to the indications

• In case of root canal treatment mechanical shaping of the root canals, abundant irrigation and abturation with a resorbable paste are required 


•       Healthy oral cavity of the child

•       Prophylaxis of bite abnormalities and permanent tooth damage

•       Prevention of common child diseases

•       Lack of fear of communication with the doctor


The main rules of dental care in children

·       The first teeth can be cleaned with special brushes. (oral B stage 1,2,3,4). First, brushing your teeth is done without a paste. Brush should be changed once a month. The main movement of the brush movements-sweeping-from the gums to the cutting edge or the chewing surface of the tooth.

·       It is very important that the children also brush their teeth every day.

·       Up to 6 years old the child can not clean his teeth with high quality himself. Therefore, after he does this, parents must check the quality of the cleaning and finish this procedure with their own hands.

·       Toothpaste (appropriate to the age of the child) can be used even in young children. If you are sure that the child does not swallow the paste.

·       The paste is applied to the brush in a very small amount. Brush your teeth twice a day-after breakfast and after dinner before bed.

·       After six years, the child can clean his teeth well, but parents should check how he does it every day


To keep the child’s teeth healthy it is necessary:


·       Limit the use of sweets especially between basic meals. (Give the child sweets only right after meals or a day off. After this, the child should immediately brush his teeth or rinse his mouth).

·       Brest feeding

·       Juices and other sweet drinks should be drunk through a straw.

·       In time, discard the bottle with the pacifier.

·       Observe hygiene. Do not give the child a pacifier or a spoon that you licked yourself or have tried the child’s food.

·       Make sure that your child uses his teeth in the proper way: - Actively chewed, not lazy to gnaw firm vegetables, fruits, did not take foreign objects into his mouth, did not suck and did not bite his tongue, cheeks, lips.

·       Tempering a child, preservation and treatment of other diseases of other diseases is also the prevention of tooth decay.

·       Consult your pediatrician about the advisability of prescribing vitamins and calcium preparations for the child, which are necessary for the overall strengthening the body and for the proper formation of healthy teeth.

·       Regular visit the dentist two or three times a year.