Root Canal re-Treatments

A Root Canal re-Treatment is a procedure to heal periapical lesion that may have been caused by a previous external Root Canal Treatment


•       Pain syndrome aches

•       Exacerbation of pain when chewing food or moving the jaw

•       Swelling and darkening of the gums

•       Swelling of facial tissues

•       There may be a rise in body temperature and sleep disturbances

·      Increased mobility of the tooth. Formation of spaces between the teeth


•   Root canal retreatment can take from two to four visits

•   Anesthesia

•   Removal of the old filling material from the crown part of the tooth or pin if they are present

•   Removal of the old root canal filling from the root canals, careful mechanical processing, washing (using special antiseptic solution) and measuring the length of the root canals (using apex locator)

•   Ultrasonic activation (Acteon) of root canals with their subsequent filling (temporary or permeant)

•   X-ray quality control

•   Installation of temporary or permanent filling material

• The restoration of the destroyed crown of the tooth can be also be done with ceramic patch (overlay)


•   Withdrawal of severe pain syndrome

•   Elimination of the infectious focus

•   Elimination of the inflammatory process

•   Restoration of the function of the affected tooth

•   Prevention of complications

•   Full comfort in the mouth while eating, sleeping and wakefulness

• Beautiful and healthy teeth


•   Possible discomfort after anesthesia on the upper jaw numbness can last up to 2 hours, on the lower jaw up to 4 hours

•   If after anesthesia the sensitivity of any area is not completely restored, it is necessary to consult a doctor

•   There may be a slight aching in the tooth and discomfort when biting within 7 days. This is normal. We recommend to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (by choice and recommendation of a doctor).

•   Do not eat for 2 hours. This is the time for hardening the temporary seal

•   You can not warm your cheek in the area of a sick tooth or pick out a temporary seal

• In the case of retreatment of the tooth, antibiotics are sometimes is necessary