Root Canal Treatments

A Root Canal Treatment is used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.


·      Aching and throbbing pain in the tooth area, especially at night

·      Acute reaction to cold and hot food

·      Short-term pain during or after taking fluids or food

·      Bleeding gums and bad breath


·      Root canal treatment can take from two to four visits

·      Anesthesia, removal of carious tissues of the tooth

·      Removal of the old filling material from the crown part of the tooth

·      Removal of the pulp from the root canals, careful mechanical processing, washing (using special antiseptic solution) and measuring the   length of the root canals (using apex locator)

·      Ultrasonic activation (Acteon) of root canals with their subsequent filling (temporary or permeant)

·      X-ray quality control

·      Installation of temporary or permanent filling material

·      The restoration of the destroyed crown of the tooth can be also be done with ceramic patch (overlay)


·      Withdrawal of severe pain syndrome

·      Restoration of the function of the affected tooth

·      Prevention of complications

·      Full comfort in the mouth while eating, sleeping and wakefulness

·      Beautiful and healthy teeth


·      Possible discomfort after anesthesia on the upper jaw numbness can last up to 2 hours ,on the lower jaw up to 4 hours

·      If after anesthesia the sensitivity of any area is not completely restored, it is necessary to consult a doctor

·      There may be a slight aching in the tooth and discomfort when biting within 7 days. This is normal. We recommend to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug by choice and recommendation of a doctor.

·      Do not eat for 2 hours. This is the time for hardening the temporary seal

·      You can not warm your cheek in the area of a sick tooth or pick out a temporary seal